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Information Gathering Tool (System Analysis and Design)


Information gathering tools...


Information Gathering is a very key part of the feasibility analysis process. Information gathering is both an art and a science. It is a science because it requires a proper methodology and tools in order to be effective. It is an art too, because it requires a sort of mental dexterity to achieve the best results. In this article we will explore the various tools available for it, and which tool would be best used depending on the situation.

Information Gathering Tools

There is no standard procedures defined when it comes to the gathering of information. However, an important rule that must be followed is the following: information must be acquired accurately and methodically, under the right conditions and with minimum interruption to the individual from whom the information is sought.

1. Review of Procedural Forms

These are a very good starting point for gathering information. Procedural manuals can give a good picture of the system to be studied: how the existing system works, what are its assumptions, what information flows in, and what flows out, what dependency there is on the external system, if any. Problems that one can encounter here are the lack of updated manuals or documents, or sometimes the need for possession of the correct documents. Hence, this is just one of the means of gathering information. However, procedural forms can capture some important information like:
  • Who are the users of the forms?
  • Do the forms have all the necessary information?
  • How readable and understandable are they?
  • How does the form help other users to make better decisions?

2. On Site Visits and Observations

The main objective of an on site visit is to get as close to the real system as possible.
It is important that the person who visits on site is a keen observer and is knowledgeable about the system and the normal activities that occur within the system. When a person observes a system, the emphasis is more on observing how things are done rather than giving advice as to what is wrong or right or passing judgment. There are various observation methods used:
Direct or Indirect: - The analyst can observe the subject or the system directly. E.g.: How do the workers perform a job on the factory floor? An indirect form of observation is done using some devices like video cameras or video tapes which would capture the information.
Structured or Unstructured: - In a structured observation the specific actions are recorded. E.g.: Before a shopper buys a product, how many related products did he see before selecting the final product? An unstructured method would record whatever actions would happen at a given point of time.

3. Interviews and Questionnaires

The interview is a face-to-face interpersonal meeting designed to identify relations and verify information to capture raw information as told by the interviewee.
3.1 Interview – Interview is a flexible tool and a better tool than a questionnaire for the evaluation of the validity of the information that is being gathered. It is an art that requires experience in arranging the interview, setting the stage, establishing rapport. The questions must be phrased clearly, avoiding misunderstandings and carefully evaluating the responses. The disadvantage in this technique is the preparation time it requires and it is obviously restricted to only one person at a time which means that the whole process of gathering results will take far longer.
Types of Interview
A. Structured Interview
The skill of the interviewer helps in getting the interviewee to respond and move to the next question without diversion. The questions are presented to the interviewee with exactly the same wording and in the same order.
B. Unstructured Interview
In the unstructured Interview the respondents are allowed answer freely in their own words. The responses are not forced. They are self-revealing and personal rather than general and superficial. The interviewer has encouraged the respondents talk freely. Unstructured interviews provide an opportunity to delve more deeply into complex topics than is possible with surveys.

3.2 Questionnaire- Questionnaire is a self-administered tool that is more economical and requires less skill to administer than the interview. At any point in time, unlike the interview, feedback from many respondents can be collected at the same time. Since questionnaires are usually self-administered it is critical that questions be clear and unambiguous.
With the help of a table below we can understand the differences between the questionnaires and an interview. This is designed to give a completely unbiased viewpoint of both methods. We will be able to view them in such a way that the benefits and shortcomings of each will be easily visible right away.

Types of Questionnaire
A. Fill-in-the-blanks Questions:
They seek specific responses.
B. Yes / No Questions:
They just seek one value either true or false or Yes or NO. There is no mixed response.
C. Ranking Scale Questions:
The respondent needs to rank the responses into a certain scale. For e.g. to a question you might be asked to rate a service from a level 1 to 5.
D. Multiple-Choice Questions:
They ask for a specific answer choices.

Less Economical
Can be completed by many people at the same time
Can be administered to ONLY ONE person at a time
Chances of error or omissions are fewer
It could be error prone since it depends upon the skill of the interviewer to gauge the questions and interpret the responses.
Anonymity can be maintained. Hence user is not prevented from giving his candid opinion about an issue
Anonymity is not maintained. Hence the user might feel forced to conceal his candid opinion on an issue.
Gives time to the respondents. Hence they can think and give their regarded opinions on an issue
It may not give time to the respondents. Hence they may not get enough time to think and give their opinion on an issue


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