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Numerical Method Programming

1. Program to implement Bisection Method   #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> float f(float x) {        //return x*x*x*x-x-10;        //return x*x*x-x-1;        return x - cos(x); } void main() {        float x0,x1,x2;        float f0,f1,f2;        float e=0.001;        int i=0;        clrscr();        printf("Enter the values of x0 and x1 : ");        scanf("%f %f",&x0,&x1);        do        {               f0=f(x0);               f1=f(x1);               x2=(x0+x1)/2;               f2=f(x2);               if(f0*f2>0)               {                      x0=x2;               }               else               {                      x1=x2;               }               i++;               printf("\n\nNumber of Iterations = %d",i);               printf("\nRoot = %f",x2);               printf("\nValue of the function = %f"