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Showing posts from January, 2021

Information Gathering Tool (System Analysis and Design)

  Information gathering tools... Introduction Information Gathering is a very key part of the feasibility analysis process. Information gathering is both an art and a science. It is a science because it requires a proper methodology and tools in order to be effective. It is an art too, because it requires a sort of mental dexterity to achieve the best results. In this article we will explore the various tools available for it, and which tool would be best used depending on the situation. Information Gathering Tools There is no standard procedures defined when it comes to the gathering of information. However, an important rule that must be followed is the following: information must be acquired accurately and methodically, under the right conditions and with minimum interruption to the individual from whom the information is sought. 1. Review of Procedural Forms These are a very good starting point for gathering information. Procedural manuals can give a good picture of the system to b